Sunday, May 6, 2012

Big Sky, Small City

I caught this a few weekends back. I was walking around downtown past this ally and I noticed these great clouds just passing by. It's always good to just stop for a moment and take it all in.


黄清华 Wong Ching Wah said...

Beauiful find !

Cezar and Léia said...

Great capture of the moment, a beautiful day in your city!

Traveling Hawk said...

I like the palisade...

Unknown said...

Those are your colours Randy.
Happy week for you.

Lowell said...

Nice shot, Randy. Looks like good weather in Santa Fe!

parker said...

An amazing sky, and an amazing place for a coyote fence complete with a sign! Just wondering? Can coyotes read signs?

Birdman said...

Reminds me of my post today... some alleys.

TexWisGirl said...

i love your title for it.

Luis Gomez said...

It is a nice shot Randy. I like the different volumes.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

It is Randy, we don't do it often enough. Sounds like things are way too hectic for you just now, take care.

Judy said...

I always like a peek in the alley. You can learn a lot about a place by looking behind the scenes.

Sharon said...

You and Birdman have very similar photos today. You are so right, always look around. There is generally always something interesting to see.

Anonymous said...

I like the fence. So much nicer to look at than chain-link.

Thérèse said...

It looks like an invitation for the clouds to come in...

RedPat said...

Looks like an interesting alley!

Anonymous said...

That's a really neat perspective and I love the sky.

Michaele said...

It really does look like a city from that point. Somewhere back east though, not Santa Fe. I kinda like that fence : )

Melbourne Australia Photos said...

Lovely shot, Randy.

Halcyon said...

Great framing. :)

Michelle said...

Great contrast with the buildings and the sky.

Ms. Becky said...

I love this shot. the colors are perfect. great eye. happy week to you Randy.

Magpie said...

I have another blogging friend that likes to roam around in back allies too.