Thursday, May 26, 2011

Which Way To Phoenix?

I shot this the other day while out on my way home knowing that I would be headed to Phoenix today. I was supposed to be flying but I just got screwed by Southwest Airlines so now I am having to drive the 8 hours to Phoenix and 8 hours back on Sunday(ok enough of my rant, sorry I just found this out). I will try to get to everyone while I am gone but if I don't please excuse my absence. I have everything set to auto post until Sunday. I hope you'll stop by.


PerthDailyPhoto said...

Haha! interesting signage! Planes this way....

Allison said...

Sixteen hours of driving? Ugh.

I'm sorry to say that reminds me of the trip my father took us on to Phoenix from L.A. We were in the back of our yellow van (which had two - count'em - two small round windows). No seat belts back then, and I vomited the whole way. Then our van over-heated and we were stuck on the highway with less than a gallon of water for six people (most of which were whining kids - us) and no help in sight. Must have been at least 105 degrees.

I will definitely be sending happy wishes your way! Take some good tunes and roll those windows down! :)

VP said...

A perfectly legitimate rant!

Regina K said...

Drive safely at least only 8 hours, I am 14 hours from Alb. Happy travels;

黄清华 Wong Ching Wah said...

8 hours of driving is a little crazy for me ... longest I did 4-5 hours, take care !

Doug Hickok said...

At least it will be a scenic drive :^)

Sharon said...

Drive safely! I've driven that road several times and there are some scenic areas along the way.

Kathy said...

Have a great trip. Sorry to hear about your troubles with Southwest. I have never had anything but great service from them. Look on the bright side. A road trip can be a lot of fun.

becky said...

Good photo for the circumstances... life is giving you a curve. I wonder what happened w/ southwest? I booked my nephew a ticket in July... oh oh!
well. have fun in phoenix!

Traveling Hawk said...

No problem, Randy! I am waiting for a new set pf photos from Phoenix:)

Sorry for your inconvenience.

Alan said...

Road trip! Bring good music and company and you'll have a ball! Enjoy:-)

TexWisGirl said...

well, if you stopped to take photos along your 8 hr drive, it might break up the day but it would turn into a 14 hr drive in a heartbeat! :) be safe!

Lowell said...

That's a long day on the road.

Did you hear about the blind guy who went to Olive Garden, thought he was at KFC and asked a fellow diner to pass him a drumstick. The fellow beat him to death with a breadstick?

No? No wonder 'cause it's really a lame story and I just made it up.

Be careful on the highway.

Luis Gomez said...

Sorry to hear that Randy. Have a safe trip!

Anonymous said...

For me, that would have been a gift from Southwest. I would much rather drive 8 hours rather than deal with all the B.S. with flying these days. You see a lot more and can have adventures along the way. Also, it is a good time to do some TTWP...Through the Windshield Photography at speed. Enjoy the journey.

Lúcia said...

Hope you have many beautiful views on the way to Phoenix.
Have a nice and safe trip.

Magpie said...

They threw you a curve? Sorry to hear that. Drive safely.
Have fun at Changing Hands!

jennyfreckles said...

Hope it's worth the drive! Take care.

Unknown said...

Dont worry be happy. One shot, one target, I lke it.

cieldequimper said...

Being who I am I wouldn't mind the drive to Phoenix coz there's that nice-ish landscape around your part of the world... :-) Have a wonderful time!

clairz said...

Have a safe trip. We just passed through Phoenix and I have to say that the traffic we saw during a southern California rush hour was way worse. Both places made me so happy that I live in peaceful, sleepy New Mexico.

EG CameraGirl said...

Looks like Phoenix might be way up there if I follow the curve of the arrow. Santa Fe and Phoenix are 8 hours apart? WoW!

RedPat said...

Isn't there a Glen Campbell song about getting to Phoenix? Good trip!

Dawn said...

Hmmm...well...think of it this way- more photo opportunities;) Have an awesome trip....I'd rather be in Phoenix than here:)

Michael Valčić said...

This is a lovely shot, such a beautiful sky! I hope you have a safe trip! A few photos might come out of your road journey. =)

Kate said...

Other contacts (like blogspot...grrr!) sure do foul up our plans sometimes! After a full day without access to my blog and wasting lots of time trying to solve the problem, I was about ready to give up when, lo and behold, I'm back on google's blogspot. Lost all my followers, too. I'm pretty tired of it this past month though and may explore other blog options. Any ideas?

Hope you have a great time in Phoenix but probably don't have enough time to meet Sharon, David, and Julia?

Anonymous said...

Nice composition! Wonderful shot!

zingo de mopsje said...

I hope you had a safe journey.

Despite your hard time, photo is really great!