Wednesday, May 4, 2011

What? No Adobe

In Madrid a old small mining town just south of Santa Fe you will still find old homes like this. Most are not this bad. Some have been refurbished and made into art galleries.


TexWisGirl said...

love the title! thought i was on the wrong blog for a second there!

Sharon said...

This is the kind of structure I'd expect in a mining town.

Luis Gomez said...

Well, maybe a bit rustic.

Olivier said...

et voit on les fantomes des anciens mineurs ;)

turquoisemoon said...

I love visiting Madrid. There's a website I go to, "Visit Madrid", that allows me to tour each of the shops. It's kind of like a mini vacation.

Allison said...

This reminds me of going to Calico as a young girl. Are you familiar with that California ghost town? Ah... memories cascade! :)

becky said...

I love those old houses. The textures, the fading/peeling paint... they're delicious!

Anonymous said...

Lovely texture in your photo.

Magpie said...

At some time this must have been a very nice building...missing shutters now, but I love the trim piece (don't know the real name) above the window.
Re: Allison's comment. I've been to Calico in California. I wonder if she remembers the house made out of glass bottles. Memories indeed!

Dawn said...

May not be adobe but i still like it. Its more like what i see every day...Adobe suits your area better:)

Judy said...

I like the old wood and I'm always amazed at how long it stands up to the weather.
I would expect nothing less than an art gallery in these old places.

Photohunter said...

So denke ich, sieht es in einer alten Goldgräberstadt aus.

Anonymous said...

Uh-oh. Madrid? An old mining town? I think I missed something special when I passed through there last month. Well, I'll just have to go back someday.

Lúcia said...

It's cool you have so many art galleries in your area.

Unknown said...

No adobe but I also like the old wood. So, there's a Madrid there? :-)

Lowell said...

That looks a little tattered but quite southwestern, too. I've seen hundreds of pictures of old mining towns and all of them, so far as I remember, were made of wood (and looked like they were 100 years old when brand new!)...

Christina Klas said...

I would love an old home like this!! :) Even in it's current state.

cieldequimper said...

Madrid, eh?! This is so evocative of the West too! :-)

RedPat said...

This is so unlike the rest of your shots! Looks like what you might see in an old western movie.

PETRO50 said...

These houses have a lot to remember, right? They are original works? There was then an easy life. Good day!

Unknown said...

I like this houses, far-west houses,.

Carola said...

Great shot. A wodden house in Santa Fe, this looks like one from Central or South America.

Butter-Brot-Mensch said...

cool house - cool shot!

Kathy said...

A window with half a shutter is rather interesting.

Michelle said...

Surprised a bit to see this wood structure, but it's cool anyway!!

Jack said...

Funny caption, Randy, but you are right. Hardly ever see wood clapboards out there.

Kate said...

Madrid is a fun little town! Love the bar/restaurant (forgot its name) that claims "there's only one drunk in this town. We take turns, one at a time."

VP said...

I like rustic, but this is a bit too much. Great title!

Anonymous said...

whats so bad about it? It looks lovely and it's great to see something 'old' in your part of the world where so much is shiny and new!