Thursday, May 5, 2011

Behind the Gate.

Caught this one while out on my daily walk. The days are warming up and things are in bloom all over town.

** My final project for my class is due soon and I am having to spend a good part of the next few weeks in the computer lab. My visits are going to be a little sporadic so I want to apologize in advance. I will try to catch up as I can.


Olivier said...

derrière la porte se cache le printemps

Pinecone Stew said...

Great photograph, Randy! Good to see you again. HG

Kathy said...

This looks like a redbud tree. It's fun experiencing spring again!

Kate said...

This photo definitely is a keeper! Love the blossoming bush. Good luck at school...we'll wait patiently.

Jack said...

Nice shot. Good luck with your class and the big project.

Allison said...

I'll miss you! Take a break now and then if you can - and a couple pictures on your way there and back.

Pretty shot here, Randy.


becky said...

It's like spring is behind the gate! Nice photo! I know what you mean about school- I have been busy trying to wrap things up & get them done, before the semester ends... lot's of pot sanding, ha ha! There's a student art show opening in the visual arts building on the 12th- check it out when you're on campus! :)
You've got guts (& smarts) to be doing computer work- I had a tough time with an entry level digital media class a few years back... my old brain had a hard time with all the new technology!

Luis Gomez said...

Very nice Randy.

Marty said...

this is a beautiful image !
spring is "joli" everywhere !
bisous Randy

Lowell said...

It's not merely the beautiful colors, Randy, but the composition that makes this such an excellent photo...that worn door against the elegant flowering tree is perfect!

Good luck with your project!

TexWisGirl said...

lovely! good luck with the school project!

Sharon said...

A gorgeous tree! Good luck on the project.

Cezar and Léia said...

Stunning composition, you are very talented and I know everything will be perfect in your project there, good luck! ;)

Anonymous said...

This is indeed a colorful shot with that tree in the background. So nice to see Spring leave her imprint in your neighborhood finally.

Anonymous said...

Such a pretty tree! Good luck with your project, Randy.

PETRO50 said...

I understand school comes first. That's it. I have school so long for me to remember. Life goes by like an express train. I'll be playing again until you have time to blog, I will punish him. Anyway, the doors are very interesting. Good luck wishes Peter.

Carola said...

Great, the wall, the gate and the tree with blossoms.
Have a good and creativ time, Randy.

Halcyon said...

Good luck with your project! This red bud is a real beauty.

Lúcia said...

I'm jealous Randy...
Love spring time and beautiful trees!
Good luck! ;-)

Christina Klas said...

no apologies needed! :) I like this photo and how Spring just starts to come up everywhere!

Dawn said...

So pretty. It looks like the saying, "A rose between 2 thorns"....
Glad to see spring is springing ~hope you still can show us your beauty every so often during the busy time.

La sonrisa de Hiperion said...

Como siempre un placer haberme pasado de nuevo por tu casa. Ya tenemos aquí el finde...

Saludos y un abrazo.

RedPat said...

Love this treasure behind the gate! Good luck with your class.

cieldequimper said...

The dark door leading to spring. Good luck with the project!

Amanda said...

Lovely colours

Traveling Hawk said...

Nice colors, Randy! I still have my eyes full of the colors of Korea:)

Unknown said...

how beautiful are the trees in spring.
Good shot.

Michelle said...

Gorgeous color and good luck with your project.

Alan said...

That dusty orange of the wall and the lilac of the blossoms make quite a combo. Judging by your blog, they are the official colours of Santa Fe!

T. Becque said...

That's pretty!! Good luck on your projects.

VP said...

A symbolic picture, good luck for your work!

Unknown said...

This is one of those photos that I truly like. So simple and yet so beautiful!

Magpie said...

Love the blossoms!!
Work before play! We'll see you when we can.