Saturday, January 17, 2015

Railyard Graffiti

Found on the side of Warehouse 21 on the Railyard. 


Thérèse said...

Sometimes I have a hard time with graffitis sometimes I haven't. Here I have:-)

Luis Gomez said...

So good!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Very cool Randy.. Is he looking at you :)

Kathy said...

In my view this is more art than graffiti. But I may be misconstruing the definition of graffiti which I always tend to think of as defacing. This actually shows some talent and the bright colors are stunning.

TexWisGirl said...

well done, at least!

VP said...

Nice, and in the right place to be noted!

Lowell said...

There is no place sacred to these graffiti rascals!

Birdman said...

Love the piece of track in the foreground on this one.

Judy said...

There are all kinds of art to be found in Santa Fe.

Sharon said...

I hope that picture was wanted there.

Anonymous said...

The artist must be sending a message of some sort but I ain't gettin' it.

EG CameraGirl said...

I think this graffiti is better than most of what I have seen in Ontario.

RedPat said...

It's a welcome bit of colour at this time of year, Randy!

William Kendall said...

I think the colours make it cross over into art instead of mere graffiti.

cieldequimper said...

Not too bad but not my favourite kind of tag!

Paul said...

Is it art or is it hooliganism? Depends on who you talk to I guess. Me I tend to lean more to it being art.

Nice find Randy!