Thursday, January 15, 2015

Just a Little.

We received a little and I mean a little bit of snow over the last few days. Wish it was more but we'll take what we can get. This is a partial view of the Railyard Park.


Thérèse said...

Enough to bring out the details.

Olivier said...

c'est le debut, ca rend bien cette petite couche de neige

Rick Forrestal said...

Your wonderful city is prettier in the winter time,
with snow. Same here.

Lowell said...

Just a dusting, as they say. Re your photo from yesterday - I've got one with a sky and trees very similar which I'll post in a day or two. Nice!

Mersad said...

It's a beautiful sprinkle of snow.

Mersad Donko Photography

EG CameraGirl said...

The dusting is quite lovely!

Sharon said...

It looks like a light dusting of powdered sugar.

Judy said...

I thought that you would get some good snow from the storm that we had last week. That is all melted now and this last one, the snow didn't stick here. At least you got enough to make a pretty winter picture.

RedPat said...

It always brightens things up. We probably have about the same amount here, Randy. Strange year!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

As you say Randy better than none at all.. I would love to look out and see snow, it's never going to happen here :)

VP said...

Little may often be better than nothing, but I do not know ii it is true about snow!

Anonymous said...

The walkway effectively melts the snow away.

William Kendall said...

That's what we'd call a dusting.

TexWisGirl said...

just a spritzing. :)

cieldequimper said...

You have the winter things that I'm craving for: a dusting of snow and blue sky!

Michelle said...

We received about the same amount today.

Jack said...

That looks like confectionary sugar.

Paul said...

Foreshadowing... Perhaps this is the dusting before the big dump!

This little dusting sure brings out the details in your picture.