Friday, May 31, 2013

That's a Wrap II

Another photo of the crew working on a scene from Longmire. Behind the guy holding the clapboard is one of the stars of the show talking over the scene. Well it's also a wrap on this week. Here's to a fun weekend.


Olivier said...

tu vas pouvoir faire photographe de plateau ce weekend

Peter said...

Looks like it might be Burt Reynolds!

Duncan D. Horne - the Kuantan blogger said...

Have a great weekend Randy!

黄清华 Wong Ching Wah said...

Yes, we all looking forward to the weekend !

Thérèse said...

How much fun you must have to look at all the streets scenes...

Tanya Breese said...

i always thought it would be fun to work behind the scenes with film!

vn said...

makes me think of central park in the autumn for some reason.
cool dude. I love that you get
such impromptu and natural moments.

Gabriel S. Ignácio said...

Hey, friend.
You have a nice blog
with nice pics.
Actually I have found very interesting your registers.
Have a nice day!

TexWisGirl said...

i bet those are some long days for cast and crew.

Lowell said...

Love to watch filming! Hope you have a great weekend, Randy.

Please note I'm posting on our website blog:

Unknown said...

It might be fun watching the shootings but, as I have worked on advertising, I know how boring it is sometimes so much waiting and then do it over and over again.

Adele said...

Great photo - Have a great weekend.

Judy said...

Having filming so close by must have been an exciting change of scenery around there. I'm glad you had a chance to sneak some shots.


Hope this is coming to a theater near you!:) I can't wait for the weekend either.

VP said...

From what I see is that some episode of the second season of Longmire?

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Fun to do a bit of 'star spotting'! Have a good weekend Randy.

Sharon said...

Fun to see!

RedPat said...

You have a good weekend too, Randy!

Anonymous said...

Did Randy have a bit part to play?

parker said...

I believe his parking meter expired while he was in thought.
May your weekend be long and enjoyable!

cieldequimper said...

Now of course I'm wondering who that is!

Happy Friday!

Jack said...

Have fun this weekend, Randy.

turquoisemoon said...

Ooh gee...when a person is retired, the weekend is just another day...hahaha!!!


Looks like a very busy day for them.

Happy weekend! :)

Chattahoochee Valley Daily said...

Interesting. Columbus has been used for a couple of movies shoots. In fact they will be shooting in Columbus next week, but I will miss it.. I am a bit disappointed, but I won't miss the traffic jams it s going to cause.

Kate said...

It all looks so casual but it's really hard work!

CaT said...

oooh, i recognize that cop in the background!! :)