Tuesday, May 28, 2013


Last week while walking by the plaza I caught sight of these three taking some time out. The little guy next to the bench was the only on that was ready to go.


Olivier said...

bien vu la photo...pause collégiale ;))

Allison said...

Love the bench.

Tamera said...

After a weekend of doing heavy yard work and gardening in preparation for summer, I feel a lot like the dog in this picture. ;^)

Tanya Breese said...

ha, that one pup looks worn out! cute :)

Nancy said...

Looks hot there.

TexWisGirl said...


Michael (Light-In-A-Box) said...

Randy, looks like dog days are here. Fun in the sun! Great shot, have a nice week. : )

Judy said...

It does look like it might be hot there.

Sharon said...

The art of relaxation....I practiced a little of that this last weekend.

EOS Designer said...

O cachorro e seu dono :)

Anonymous said...

Looks like the one on the curb is smoking a cigarette. Perhaps the one on the bench told them to go sit over there with that stinky thing.

EG CameraGirl said...

It's good to rest your feet when they're tired. :)

Judy said...

Waiting for something? Those people look none too happy.

VP said...

The dog looks more tired of the guy on the bench, or maybe it all a scene and he is really ready to go...

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Nice composition here Randy, wow just look at that bench also, pretty nice oui.

Marty said...

when the sun shines, it's the best one can do !I would enjoy it too, here it rains since days and days !!!


Is there anything cuter than a dog taking a snooze? Poor pooch is pooped out!:)

cieldequimper said...

Lol, what a scene!

RedPat said...

It's that kind of day!

Lowell said...

Sometimes, the best you can do is rest!

Michelle said...

That dog must be exhausted!

Lynette said...

Randy, this is such a fine candid shot.

Cezar and Léia said...

I love that bench!

Kate said...

I'm always struck by how many dogs are in the Plaza in the summer who are with people who look like wayfarers with backpacks, etc.