Monday, February 21, 2011

Washing My Mane

Well at least it appears that way. While walking by a gallery I caught sight of this icicle and as I moved around for the shot it appeared as those the icicle was touching the sculpture but it just missed it. Click on it for a better look.


Alain said...

That's a very interesting and unusual photo. I clicked on the photo for the larger version and the shadows are fascinating!

VP said...

A very strange image, I had the same impression...

黄清华 Wong Ching Wah said...

Cool the way you angled it ...

Eyeliquor 2 said...

Optical illusions :)
Very nice shot!
Have a great new week Randy :)

Justine said...

what a brilliant capture, love the vivid sky colour too

Lúcia said...

You're right, cool optical ilusion!
Have a good Monday! ;-)

Sharon said...

A very clever shot here!

Luis Gomez said...

Wonderful Randy. Great eye.

Anonymous said...

What a great find, Randy!

Regina K said...

It almost looks like a frozen fountain leading to the horse. I like how you also captured the shadow.

TexWisGirl said...

Nicely done! Looks like he found one of those outdoor camping showers...

Kate said...

The sculpture certainly is eye-catching in itself. The icicle doesn't look too bad; you should see some of the ice dams here, ruining some homeowners houses. We got 17 more inches dumped on us yesterday and last night, and it's beginning to snow again with a forecast of 3 more inches today...before we've had a chance to clear away yesterday's! 16 more days before our Mazatlán March getaway; can't wait!!

Judy said...

What a cool find and great shot. Just shows that it pays to keep your eyes open and see what is around you. You never know.

Michael Valčić said...

I love the shadow the ice has created. It adds to a great image!

I hope your weekend went well!

Leslie D. said...

That's very looks like part of the sculpture.

Halcyon said...

I thought this was a fountain from the thumbnails. Interesting shot.

Anonymous said...

That frozen water is neat looking. Especially since it is there and not here in California.

JOTA ENE ✔ said...

Great shot...!

... from Lisbon - Portugal

cieldequimper said...

The shadow is fantastic.

RedPat said...

Great capture! Love the lines on that sculpture.

My post for today reminded me of you -blue & wood.

Diego Miranda Montero said...

Interesantes fotografias... esta en particular me sorprendio por ese efecto que plasmo el hielo en la caida... buenisima!

Magpie said...

I really like this. Before I realized it was a statue of a horse, it looked like something abstract with a mouth drinking the frozen water. Okay, I'm weird. Wonderful shot on several levels.

Birdman said...

... and quite a cool shadow too.

Carola said...

Wow, great titel, great shadow. A photo to look at again and again.

youth_in_asia said...

Excellent eye. You always seem to catch detail so nicely. This is a great shot.

EG CameraGirl said...

Cool photo! I can be so easily tricked.

Chris said...

I tell myself there is a photo in every scene and I just have to find it. You got in this one. "Giraffic"

becky said...

Interesting shot. I really like the icicle's shadow.

Chattahoochee Valley Daily said...

I think your photo looks like something the Georgia O'Keefe might have painted. Terrific shot. Can't stop looking at it.

Dawn said...

Incredible eye Randy....and a great find!

T. Becque said...

It does! That's a cool sculpture too.

Marty said...

this is a wonderful image Randy !
you find so many beautiful things to shot ! Great

Doug Hickok said...

Wonderful angle. I especially like the way you captured the shadow, and the way it reinforces the vertical lines. Cool shot!

Allison said...

Ha! Very lovely! An ice-shower...

Unknown said...

Just look at that shadow! Well spotted, Randy.