Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Dog Tired!

I caught this cute little guy hanging out just in the door way of a gallery while on my walk on Sunday. I think he looks like I feel after a full day of work and an evening class. I need a little pick me up, hey look some ice cream!


Allison said...

I'll take a snooze on that hardwood floor! Perhaps there's a window nearby to stare out of and dream... or a shot of tequila as I read Pablo Neruda. I need to stop fantasizing about lusciously warm locations. It's too dang cold here to sit by an open door! :D

Olivier said...

une belle vie de chien, sieste and co

Kathy said...

Awww. Any entryway is made more welcome by a dog!

Anonymous said...

You deserve it!

黄清华 Wong Ching Wah said...

"A dog in a walk-way of a GALLERY" ... very interesting, a tired dog perhaps after watching many people come and go from the GALLERY !!!!

Cezar and Léia said...

Cute little friend there, I think he is also very smart, time for a good nap!
Léia :)

Lúcia said...

He is so cute and has that lonely look, probably wants to be cuddled. ;-)
Great shot of the beautiful dog!

VP said...

'round noon here and the idea of the ice cream is now lingering in my head.

Sharon said...

That is a very cute capture.

Irredento Urbanita said...

So lucky dog, it doesn't have to work, it only needs to be a fan of its owner. That's all.



[Barcelona Daily Photo]

EG CameraGirl said...

I think maybe your furry pal would love to join you for an ice cream. :)

Luis Gomez said...

That is a great doggy face!

becky said...

It wouldn't be bad to be a dog (if you had a good owner) they get to just plop down & sleep where ever they want. Imagine if we did that at work! Probably wouldn't go over too well. Hope your classes are off to a good start. I'm no good at night classes. After a day of work, my brain seems to shut down for the evening....

Magpie said...

Oh, you just had to mention ice cream didn't you!!! He's a loyal looking fellow.

TexWisGirl said...

What a sweetie. I'm a sucker for pooches - pooped or otherwise.

Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving comments! Really appreciate it!

Anonymous said...

Looks to me he is hard at work being a greeter to patrons of the gallery.

Marty said...

il est beau ce dog ! les chiens me font rire quand ils suivent du regard sans bouger la tête !!
une belle photo Randy

Judy said...

I love this shot! Looks like a good old friend.

lizziviggi said...

Sweet face! It seems whenever I try to get a picture of a dog in a doorway they immediately get up so I can pet them. They know a dog lover when they see one!

Michael Valčić said...

What a cute dog! Looks like he's pretty comfortable down there.

I could go for some ice cream as well. =)

Have a good day!

Unknown said...

The nice guy is looking at you, I wonder what's on his mind... :-) Love that blue.

Amanda said...

Cute dog, like mine he seems to like resting!

cieldequimper said...

He looks just about as I feel after a Tuesday that turned out to be worse than the Monday!

Tiago Braga said...

very nice, the posture of the dog! nice shot!

T. Becque said...

Very cute and nice framing with the blue doorway.

Unknown said...

Love this cutie!! Looks just a smidge like my beestie!

RedPat said...

Looks like he is just waiting for a smile and then then the tail would be going!

Jack said...

I'll bet he lures lots of visitors into the gallery.

Regina K said...

I want a job where my dog could come to work with me. Great photo.

Michelle said...

He looks like a sweetheart. I would go in just to pet him :)

Kate said...

Looks like he's expecting someone or at least something from you!

youth_in_asia said...

Nice shot, Randy. He that's how I'd feel after one of your hikes.

Shannon said...

Your commentary made me laugh. I love dogs like that who just hang out in a public place and are so mellow.

Marcel said...

Haha, and did you eat an icecream?

Anonymous said...

Nice find! It is dog..., good shot!
Have a good day!

Anonymous said...

Oh ! the poor, he seems really tired !...


Pinecone Stew said...

Fantastic photograph! Modern AND warm.