Monday, September 1, 2014

Theme Day - Rust and Ruins

Theme Day here on City Daily Photo, this months theme is Rust and Ruins. This was taken on an old gate in my neighborhood. So many gates are painted and few are left natural as they age. 

To see more Rust and Ruins from around the world click here.


Stefan Jansson said...

I could break in there in no-time I think!

Olivier said...

vu la rouille pas certain d'une utilité du cadenas ;)

VP said...

The padlock looks mint new against a background like this...

EG CameraGirl said...

It looks like it might be a heavy gate. Sure makes me wonder what's on the other side!

Birdman said...

Lock and Load.

Kate said...

Nice one, Randy!!

Halcyon said...

Nice choice for the theme day. I also like leaving things "natural".

Luis Gomez said...

Really good!

Unknown said...

Lovely detail!

TexWisGirl said...

nice one.

Sharon said...

I hadn't thought of a rusty gate. I bet I could walk down my alley and find one or two. Nice shot.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

What a perfect find Randy, rusty old locks are always a little bit intriguing don't you think :)

Judy said...

I bet those old hinges make a lovely noise when the gate is opened.

RedPat said...

Such a lovely patina on the gate and a new heavy lock!

Virginia said...

What is it about rusty things that seem to beckon to photographers? We all love them!

Anonymous said...

Natural always seems better.

cieldequimper said...

It's funny how rust has a strange appeal. I'll let Stefan do the job though! :-)

Thérèse said...

Will the lock match the gate in a couple of years??

Michelle said...

A great choice for the theme.

William Kendall said...

A good example!

Paul said...

Nice find. your picture definitely fits the "Rust and Ruins" criteria.