Thursday, September 4, 2014

Indian Market X

This graphic artwork is the work of Steven Judd.  He is from Oklahoma and part Kiowa/Choctaw.

To see more of his work click here.


Sunnybrook Farm said...

Nice choice of color.

Unknown said...

Very cool works. Andy Warhol inspiration?

Kate said...

A wonderful satirical piece of art.

Olivier said...

du pop art que j'aime bien, hommage a mister Warhol

Sharon said...

He has an Andy Warhol look to his art. I see some others agree.

Birdman said...

Ha. Like the Hopi. Supposed to be a play on Obama's HOPE? Pretty good.

Anonymous said...

I'd try some.

VP said...

Creatively rethinking old brands...

TexWisGirl said...

interesting. :)

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Good link Randy.. I agree with Jose, his style made me think Andy Warhol also.

cieldequimper said...

OMG. Had I known I'd have asked you to get me one of his prints... :-)

RedPat said...

I Like his work and I think Warhol would approve, Randy!

Jack said...

Interesting work, though it owes a lot to Andy Warhol and Shepard Fairey.

Tanya Breese said...

very cool...he is very warhol-ish!

Paul said...

Instant Fry Bread Spray... Darn good idea, I love Fry Bread! :)

Nice find Randy, I really like this style of art!