Friday, January 3, 2014

The Santa Fe New Mexican

This is the main entrance to the Santa Fe New Mexican, our local newspaper. Not one of my favorite reads but to each his own. Have a great Friday everyone!


Duncan D. Horne - the Kuantan blogger said...

I miss the Leicester Mercury, our local newspaper back in England

Rick Forrestal said...

Classic New Mexico architecture!
Love that color.

Kate said...

Important to have the daily news, tho. Nice looking building as you photographed it.

EG CameraGirl said...

Now I'm curious as to why you don't like to read this newspaper. :)

Lowell said...

So what happened to the old Mexican? And why is this not one of your favorite reads?

I'm full of questions this morning but who can blame me after your "scorching" comment yesterday! ;)))

Michelle said...

I like the color of this building. Very inviting.

TexWisGirl said...

a great looking place, though.

Birdman said...

Daily? Weekly?
Hey, news is news.

Judy said...

Nice looking building but I know what you mean. Our local paper is not one of my favorite reads either. They seem to put their own spin on things.

Mersad said...

Must be a colorful workplace!

Anonymous said...

I like the building. Curious as why I may not like to read the paper.

Sharon said...

Nice looking building.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Love the classic colours here Randy... you'll have to tell us now what's up with this paper :)

VP said...

Love the architecture!

Unknown said...

The entrace is lovely. I would never guess it's a newspaper building.

RedPat said...

A great name for your newspaper, Randy, even if it isn't your favourite! ;-)

Tanya Breese said...

the new mexican! when we still lived in san diego, i had a friend from new mexico. in san diego, we have quite a bit of mexicans. she'd take offense if someone asked if she was mexican and she'd say "no, i'm NEW MEXICAN"! do not confuse the two!'s a nice facade, even if your not a fan of the paper!

parker said...

Attractive building. The New Mexican influence is easily apparent!

Judy said...

The names sounds like it could be a restaurant, pretty building.

Paul said...

Nice looking entrance!

Jack said...

I don't know anything about the newspaper, but the building looks like it fits Santa Fe.

Laura. M said...

Nice facade.

cieldequimper said...

It's a nice enough building and I love the wreath but I'm with EG now...