Monday, January 13, 2014

Big News

We always know when something big is going on at the Federal courthouse across the street from work. We can always look out the window to see the news trucks that came up from Albuquerque. Some weeks are pretty uneventful. I hope your Monday is exciting.


Judy said...

Ah yes, same here!

Lowell said...

Kinda like having your very own alarm system. I've lived in a couple of +55 communities. Whenever an ambulance pulls into one of these some wag says, "Oops. Another condo for sale!"

Optimistic Existentialist said...

You should try to make the news while they're there haha!

Anonymous said...

That would make into a nice little camper.

TexWisGirl said...

salacious trial, apparently!

RedPat said...

There seem to be so many media circus events these days, Randy!

VP said...

We don't see many of these trucks around here, not even in bigger cities...

Sharon said...

That's a sure sign!

Thérèse said...

I like the way you present life in Santa Fe. Today is not an exception. Nothing striking here today :-)

Olivier said...

Deja la chaine New 13 est là (c'est une chaine locale ? ) il va surement se passer quelque chose, tu vas jouer au tintin reporteur ?

cieldequimper said...

You're in a prime spot then!

Mersad said...

My Monday started out with a lot of work,. Must be exciting to seea tv crew and reporters live on thescene.

Sunnybrook Farm said...

I haven't seen one of those in a long time, which is a good thing.

Michelle said...

My Monday was not so exciting, but I like it that way! lol

parker said...

The News Hounds! Seems everything is a breaking story to these eager beavers!

Duncan D. Horne - the Kuantan blogger said...

Every day is exciting, but yes Monday was great as the Australian Open tennis started :)

Jack said...

Randy, I am retired now, so my exciting days are behind me. That is fine with me!

Paul said...

Hope it wasn't anything too serious.

Lynette said...

Sometimes in Portland the remote trucks sprout up like mushrooms. Thank goodness it doesn't happen too often where I work! About seeing cake in my photo from Monday, I have the feeling that is a plastic-lid-covered tray with croissant sandwiches on it.

Peter said...

Hope it was something exciting.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Wonder what was going on over there Randy :)

Traveling Hawk said...

Monday is boring, only Wednesday - as the middle of the week - brings some action.