Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Mr.and Mrs?

Not sure what the real name of this sculpture is but I found it interesting. It made me think of some of the tourist that see here sometimes. I think it's the hats.


Mersad said...

Lovely statues.

Mersad Donko Photography

Lowell said...

It's quite dramatic. Make me think of a rancher and his wife coming to town to party!

Tanya Breese said...

love the sculpture...your comment about the tourists is funny. hats are probably the first thing they purchase thinking they'll blend in lol

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Beautiful long smooth lines Randy, I like them.

Optimistic Existentialist said...

A very interesting sculpture indeed!! I love it.

Rick Forrestal said...

Interesting . . . both wearing hats . . .
don't think those are locals.

Kathy said...

I like this one!

Luis Gomez said...


TexWisGirl said...

too funny! the guy is 'long tall texan' type, but why does the woman have to be so 'hippy?' :)

Sharon said...

I think you've titled it perfectly!

VP said...

A quite strange sculpture and a very funny caption!

Judy said...

I like it. As for the tourists, there is a saying, 'all hat and no cattle'.

Anonymous said...


RedPat said...

Funny how tourists often wear hats. Me too now that I think about it! ;-)

KLally said...

Doesn't anyone else think that they look cold standing in that snow?

William Kendall said...

I think it's the hats that give the sculptures their charm.

cieldequimper said...

:-) It's a nice couple and a lovely photo with the snow!

Michelle said...

Looks like they morphed right out of the walkway.

Jack said...

This really suits Santa Fe.

Paul said...

An interesting sculpture with enough visual clues to help the viewer interpret what they are looking at.

Kate said...

This looks like it's the corner by the Pippin Gallery; they usually have interesting and varied art work out front.