Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Many Suns

Found near the Railyard gardens. I love the yellow ones but there is something beautiful about these.


Rick Forrestal said...

I didn't know sun flowers came in this color.

Mersad said...

I don't think I have ever seen them this deep red.

Mersad Donko Photography

Michelle said...

My favorite color of sunflower.

Kate said...

This is true color? Never have seen these; pretty amazing.

Birdman said...

Waving goodbye to September, hey.

TexWisGirl said...

beautiful, indeed!

Anonymous said...

I have never seen red ones before.

VP said...

Stunning! I have never seen anything like this!

Thérèse said...

Such a change compared to the yellow ones like two different species.

Judy said...

What a nice find! I saw fields where they grow sunflowers for seeds in Kansas. It was an awesome sight.

William Kendall said...

They're real beauties. Up here it's mostly yellow sunflowers.

RedPat said...

They are quite dramatic, Randy!

Massimo said...

never saw with this color ! really interesting Randy, ciao

Sharon said...

Wow, those are gorgeous. They look like they are on fire!

Paul said...

Big, beautiful red sunflowers!

Jim said...

Hot stuff.

Unknown said...

Ive never seen red ones before
you learn something everyday

Unknown said...

Love this shot, Randy. It's awesome!