Thursday, June 26, 2014

Southwest Garden Bench

Just another one found in the courtyard of a gallery on Canyone Road.

My company is sponsoring another event this evening so I will be working late.  If I don't stop by I'll be back tomorrow.


Beate said...

That is a fantastic garden bench! :) Maybe a little refreshing the color it already has and it would be perfect in our garden :)

Tamera said...

And it's very cheerful and inviting!

Luis Gomez said...

Time to rest!

EG CameraGirl said...

I like the colour and placement of that comfy looking bench.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Too sweet.. love the blue Randy, Santa Fe blue :)

Tanya Breese said...

i want one of these colorful benches! have fun at the event!

VP said...

Very nice bench, I'll get this one too...

Judy said...

It's a pretty one!

Sharon said...

Looks like quiet little spot. Hope the event you have to work at is fun!

Anonymous said...

Interesting piece behind the bench. A trellis?

Kathy said...

It looks like a pleasant place to sit for a spell.

cieldequimper said...

Sweet one. I know where I'll see this one again!

RedPat said...

Love the bench! Have fun tonight, Randy!

Kate said...

If a bench can be considered "sweet," this one qualifies.

Thérèse said...

That would be nice for our backyard...

Unknown said...

I will like to have a seat on that bench.
Good shot Randy.

Unknown said...

A nice detail.