Friday, September 28, 2012

And They Danced

One could not help but smile watching this guy dance. Talk about giving it your all. If only more people were like this during their work day. Give it all you have this Friday and enjoy your day!


vn said...

very cool.
want those shorts.

Anonymous said...

Ah, yes, why not s lie and have fun? Hope you have. Great weekend.

Judy said...

How about everyday :) Have a great Friday!

Halcyon said...

It's nice to see people having fun!

Lowell said...

I knew a guy who tried this at work. He fell off his desk and broke his neck. It was Friday. Messed up his weekend.

Nah, just kidding! Looks like he's having fun. And I hope you have fun on Saturday and Sunday!

Anonymous said...

:) fun

Tanya Breese said...

like nobody was watching ;)

great shot!

Anonymous said...

Looks like he is trying to flag down the city bus to stop for him.

Lois said...

This picture makes me smile!

Sharon said...

That is one enthusiastic dancer!

Judy said...

Exuberance! And energy!

TexWisGirl said...

how cute! love it!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Was he dancing to Johnny Bell Randy? Believe me you don't want to see me dancing like this haha!

RedPat said...

A happy guy!

Ron said...

No inhibitions there. I wonder what was in that bottle? LOL

Unknown said...

Great timing! Funny pic.

Lúcia said...

Someone was having fun! ;-)


Aw, you caught them at the perfect moment! Made me grin like an idiot :)) Thanks for that shot for these travel-weary bones!

VP said...

Absolutely a great picture! Easy for us to be happy like this during our holiday!

Michelle said...

A great pic! I think we need a video performance! lol

Tiago Braga said...

looks like someone is having fun, who know if the boy is dancin the new hit, the gangnam style

Kathy said...

Okay, Randy, let's see you dancing like that! He is really getting his groove on!

Jack said...

Great passion in his dancing. Quite an image.

Kate said...

Music is joyful as this person illustrates!

Traveling Hawk said...

funny photo...

Melbourne Australia Photos said...

Great shot, Randy!

Melbourne Australia Photos said...

Great shot, Randy!

Sandy said...

Hee hee. Love it!