Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Rainbow Reflection

I caught this reflection last week as I was walking through the plaza.


Olivier said...

beau reflet du parasaol de toute les couleurs

Cezar and Léia said...

Adorable flowers and the reflections are clear and perfect!Great composition!

Kathy said...

I guess there's no parking any time on either side of that pot!

EG CameraGirl said...

Pretty reflection. I love rainbow-coloured umbrellas.

Luis Gomez said...

Great capture Randy!

Unknown said...

Blue sky and a rainbow umbrella, colourful reflections.

Birdman said...

Thank goodness! Rainbows ARE allowed. hahaha

Sharon said...

A colorful reflection!

Marcel said...

I would love to rent that house from last saturday, but... I bet there are snakes all around?

Anonymous said...

I like the No Parking signs in that off to the right you might get away with it but to the left they really mean it.

Deborah said...


Traveling Hawk said...

Nice reflection but the flowers are also nice.

parker said...

Excellent reflection from the window. I do like reflections in windows!

Leslie D. said...

Love those colors! Makes me happy

RedPat said...

Fabulous capture,Randy!

Nancy said...

Great capture, Randy. And yes, please send us some rain! :)

VP said...

Nice capture, somebody will surely park here...

Melbourne Australia Photos said...

Nice one, Randy.

Judy said...

Good eye, Randy!

Anonymous said...

Nice catch!

Lowell said...

Nice! Colorful.

But I like the two signs. They must really mean it!

Adele said...

Such happy colors throughout!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

We both have 'brella' pictures today Randy. Lovely reflections.

Magpie said...

That's a nice reflection, but I'm too confused on which of the two signs in the foreground to obey to enjoy the rainbow. :)