Thursday, May 28, 2015

Plaza Blanca V

This is the view looking north towards the canyon.

On a side note, I am having a second wisdom tooth extracted today.
I may or may not stop by your blogs until Friday.


Thérèse said...

Just relax and take good care...

Mersad said...

What a great looking landscape.

Mersad Donko Photography

Rick Forrestal said...

Love this perspective -- beautiful canyon shot.
(Where is this?)
Sorry about the tooth extraction!
Hang in there.

VP said...

Sorry about your tooth, I hope it will be as painless possible...

PerthDailyPhoto said...

The view here is so much more appealing than a tooth extraction Randy, good luck!

Unknown said...

Great series on this fabulous place! Would love to walk there.

Kathy said...

I presume this is a dry riverbed. Wonderful scenery. Good luck at the dentist! I lost my wisdom teeth at a very young age. Glad that's over!

TexWisGirl said...

good luck!

Tanya Breese said...

beautiful...hope the extraction goes smoothly!

Lowell said...

Lovely photo of this beautiful place. Best wishes on pulling that tooth. These days it's usually not that big of a deal. You may find yourself just a teeny bit less wise, though! Maybe. :)

Judy said...

Try to put your mind back in this calming scene while you're in the dentist chair. Good luck!

Sharon said...

I LOVED all these photos! Good luck with the tooth thing. Just the thought of it makes me cringe.

Anonymous said...

Love these Plaza Blanca scenes. I had the dentist save my wisdom teeth for me when I had them out ages ago. Nasty looking things.

RedPat said...

Wish I was there! Hope all goes well with the tooth, Randy!

Birdman said...

Nice way to end your 'essay' before you lose more wisdom.

cieldequimper said...

I kind of wanted to say what Judy said... So ditto!

William Kendall said...

Terrific shot, Randy. I hope the extraction goes smoothly.