Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Blossoms in the Sun


Thérèse said...

A great tribute to Mother Nature!

Rick Forrestal said...

Nice capture.
Love the back lighting.
Spring in its prime.

Luis Gomez said...


Tanya Breese said...

oh that's a beautiful picture!

Lowell said...

Beautiful. I think your title could lead to a story of sorts...a love store occurring in Santa Fe in the spring. A young couple, sitting on a bench in the town square, surrounded by blossoms in the sun...well, I'm not gonna write the whole thing for you! :)

TexWisGirl said...

so beautiful!

Anonymous said...


Sharon said...

Beautiful! A bit of sun after the rain is great for the plants and the humans.

RedPat said...

That says "Springtime", Randy! Lovely.

VP said...

Love the colors and the lights of this image!

Judy said...

So pretty!

William Kendall said...

Very pretty!

Birdman said...

They look like apple blossoms you'd find here. Snap!