Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Views IX

This is the view standing on the edge of the limestone edge (lower left) from yesterdays photo. Normally I would not stand this close to the edge but the views were too good to miss.


Rick Forrestal said...

I don't have many phobias, but approaching a ledge is one of them. I am unable to do it.
In fact, I'm uneasy watching other people do it.
But I love this pic, that you did it.
Worth the view!

Sunnybrook Farm said...

Wow, you have really got a bunch of good ones on that trip! You will remember that day.

EG CameraGirl said...

It makes me feel dizzy to know how close you must have been from the edge. (I have far too active an imagination.) I agree that the view is gorgeous.

Tanya Breese said...

pretty impressive isn't it?!

Optimistic Existentialist said...

Wow that's an incredible view. I would have yelled so I could hear the echo :)

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Oh I'm so glad YOU did Randy, I would never have been able to do it. When I saw the spectacular view yesterday I wondered if you would be able to resist it. This is the kind of view artists would die for :)

TexWisGirl said...

that would make a fabulous picture puzzle! love!

Kate said...

Oh, my, Randy. Not only is the view beautiful, but I admire your courage, too. All those sacrifices we make for "the perfect shot!" For the past week you have present us with many "perfect shots!"

Lois said...

Well worth it! It's beautiful.

Olivier said...

la serie continue et toujours aussi magique

Sharon said...

Now I'm reminded of Bryce Canyon in Utah. Gorgeous colors.

Anonymous said...

Love this red rock country

VP said...

So this is where the guys were yesterday... Simply a breathtaking view, and compliments for your courage!

Marty said...

amazing landscapes and views !
love the colours too

RedPat said...

I would have had to sit to take the pic, Randy! Somehow that feels more secure!!

cieldequimper said...

I know I'm being repetitive but: sigh... :-)

One way of getting close is crawling, at least that's what I used to do on the cliffs!

Lowell said...

Your way too close for me...but I must agree that it is a beautiful view!

Michelle said...

This is a great shot, but do be careful!