Wednesday, May 28, 2014


I was recently walking around the Railyard and I caught these two swinging on the cable that's meant to keep people from wandering close the the train tracks. They must have thought they were being rebels.


Olivier said...

discution entre amis, les bons moments de notre enfance

Rick Forrestal said...

Looks dangerous . . . hope now trains were coming through.

Sunnybrook Farm said...

Life on the edge!

Optimistic Existentialist said...

Cute capture. Makes me wonder what they're gossiping about lol.

Luis Gomez said...


TexWisGirl said...

so cute!

Anonymous said...

making a plaything from whatever is availible

Sharon said...

They are making childhood memories.

Judy said...

Good shot of kids being kids.

VP said...

Nice picture, I hope it won't be too dangerous for the 'rebels'...

RedPat said...

Just wait until they are teenagers, Randy! ;-)

cieldequimper said...

Lol, as long as didn't get up to any mischief! It's a timeless kid photo, just like the things we did when we were children...

Tanya Breese said...

cute capture!

Lowell said...

Great catch. Kids don't worry too much about things like trains tracks. We used to put pennies on them and then watch when the trains came by squishing the coins. Kids are indestructible. Or so they think.

turquoisemoon said...

I remember that age...but it was a long time ago. But you are right! I'll bet they thought they were being rebels too. hahaha

Paul said...

Nice candid capture!

Almost has that Norman Rockwell feel to it.

Kate said...

Cute kids, looking like they're deep in conversation.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Ah the young, they think they are indestructible! It is a cute shot Randy.