Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Wooden Fence

Found this close to the Embudo River near Dixon.


Peter said...

Looks like a rugged place.

Cezar and Léia said...

lots of branches in this different fence!

Sunnybrook Farm said...

Old wood. Reminds me of my fence that I had to repair the other day. Only I didn't have the flowers.

Optimistic Existentialist said...

How cool. Reminds me of an area that I used to play in as a kid.

Tanya Breese said...

that tree back there is interesting how it has 3 parts!

Kate said...

Nature has done a thorough job of entangling and decorating this fence!

Luis Gomez said...

Like this shot very much Randy.

TexWisGirl said...

looks like it could be around our place - downed trees and all. :)

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Wonderful unexpected find Randy, they can be the best kind!

Judy said...

Looks like a tough area to hike in.

Anonymous said...

A forgotten fence. Nice composition.

parker said...

Nice pic. The rough terrain called for some innovative gap fencing.

VP said...

Not in very good shape, but in its own way beautiful...

Sharon said...

In a very rustic setting.

Laura. M said...

I love this picture and autumn Randy!!

cieldequimper said...

Fence or former cabin?

EG CameraGirl said...

Looks like it has been there for a while.

RedPat said...

It certainly looks as if you were way out in the wilderness, Randy!

Michelle said...

A great contrast of rugged landscape and color.

Anonymous said...

it looks like it's been there a little while...

Paul said...

Time for some fence repairs I'm thinking... Nice angle on this shot!

Judy said...

I would love that on my property.

Unknown said...

That looks awesome! I want to make a fence like that around my home, but I think that I would also need to get a swinging gate here in Melbourne that would work with the fence.