Saturday, November 23, 2013

Old Light

A second stop at the vintage shop in Dixon to make a purchase and I discovered another room. I love the view out of this window and and the old light from a car. Oh and in case your curious I bought and old wire basket.


Kate said...

Will the basket be part of your Thanksgiving celebration? Have a great week-end!

cieldequimper said...

The lamp is cool and adds interested to an already wonderful view!

Luis Gomez said...

Good find Randy.

Optimistic Existentialist said...

I really like the perspective here. Any plans for the old wire basket?

Sunnybrook Farm said...

Nice colors again! That headlight looks like it came off a late 30s car.

Judy said...

That is a nice view. Would love to see your purchase.

TexWisGirl said...

neat little scene. :)

Sharon said...

That view is a keeper!

Judy said...

They have a nice view out that window.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to have a home with thick adobe walls and view like that from my window.

VP said...

Well caught: old... and odd!

Louisette said...

A nice old lamp with a story , have a nice sunday , from Belgium

Birdman said...

... sunlight.

RedPat said...

The old light really makes this pic special, Randy!

Peter said...

Like the light on the sill. And the view.

Unknown said...


parker said...

The light in the window. Reminded me of the chorus of an old song Creedence Clearwater sang. (The Midnight Special).

Let the Midnight Special shine a light on me
Let the Midnight Special shine an ever loving light on me...LOL

Mersad said...

The view is really great!

Mersad Donko Photography

Michelle said...

That is a great view!

Paul said...

Vintage shops are a photographers paradise, great picture!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Old windows with a view are almost impossible to resist hey Randy, and as Ciel said, the old car light provides added interest.


Reminds me of National Geographic shots - wild, unusual and beautiful. (The wire basket sounds nice too:)

Laura. M said...

Focusing guessed the window. Randy :))