Saturday, October 26, 2013

Canyon Road Paint Out VI

I was surprised to see these two. You might remember them from this shot in 2011.


VP said...

A funny picture of an interesting duo!

Sunnybrook Farm said...

What a team, I can't see my wife and I doing that for very long some how.

cieldequimper said...

Now I do. This time he won't get a sunstroke lol but he might have a few aches and pains... This is excellent!

Optimistic Existentialist said...

Well that's kinda awesome that they would be there again two years later. Did they remember you?

Kate said...

A true "couple" of artists. He's always the model or so it seems. Thanks for the link. Have a GREAT week-end.

Sharon said...

I dont' think I could stand there and hold that pose for very long.

Birdman said...

What does he get in return, I wonder?

Luis Gomez said...


Lowell said...

It can't be easy holding that position for very long! I wonder what he catches there? :)

Laura. M said...

Lots of patience required the fisherman :))
Good Sabbath.

TexWisGirl said...

i am just in awe of folks who can paint like this!

Judy said...

I wouldn't be able to hold that pose very long. She would have to be a fast painter.

Anonymous said...

I'd tell my wife "Take a picture, it'll last longer" for I would want to be out there really fishing instead of posing for so long.

RedPat said...

I do remember them - he's a fine guy to model for her!

Lynette said...

Your series just gets better and better, Randy.

About the Sentinel Tree and going B&W, I hadn't thought of it at all. Perhaps I'll do that before too long, see how it turns out, and then decide if I'll post it or not. Thanks for the idea!

Traveling Hawk said...

I like the ivy on the fence. What does the man catch?:)

parker said...

Excellent subject matter she was capturing on canvas. Fly fishing for trout in a New Mexico stream makes for great sport!

Chattahoochee Valley Daily said...

That's so funny. I wonder when she painted on the water, etc. Great catch!

Jack said...

That is funny. I wonder why she chose to paint this scene on that spot.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

I hope he gets break to stretch now and then Randy :)