Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Canyon Road Paint Out IX

This painter found his inspiration in the music he was listening to. He must wear these pants everytime he paints.


MastHoliday said...

Beautiful colorful painting!!!

Olivier said...

un peintre dans son monde a lui et une vision tres personnelle

Duncan D. Horne - the Kuantan blogger said...

I was going to say, looks like there's more paint on his clothes than the canvas!

Duncan In Kuantan

Sunnybrook Farm said...

I will say again, that was a neat show, if we had something like that here, our art market wouldn't be so dead.

Optimistic Existentialist said...

I never have thought of this but I bet that does really lead to some amazing art - listening to music for inspiration while painting

Kate said...

He is holding a very colorful palate.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

They certainly look as if there's many a painting's worth of wiping of brushes and hands on these trews Randy :)

Tanya Breese said...

lol, his pants are a work of art!

TexWisGirl said...

that's great. :)

Sharon said...

Oh yes, those clothes have seen a lot of painting.

Lowell said...

Yup, he's a colorful fella and those shore ain't his "Sunday go to meetin'" pants! Nice shot.

Re your question: those lifejackets are for humans.

Judy said...

This is funny, I have pants that look like that from all the house painting I have been doing lately.

Anonymous said...

Headphones on, he can block out pesky watchers and photographers. Paint on clothes is a badge of honor among artists.

Paul said...

I'm thinking those pants will be framable art before long!

So how did your presentation go?

RedPat said...

I guess we all have our work clothes!

cieldequimper said...

Lol, I was going to say something about his pants and shirt being a canvas too!

parker said...

Must be his lucky pants and shirt for giving him inspiration!

VP said...

This time the palette wins over the painting...

adriana said...

The painting seems to be on his trousers!

It's something new at Google. I'm traveling Hawk but I'm identified with my name, Adriana.

Michelle said...

Must be his lucky pants :)

Chattahoochee Valley Daily said...

Best paint rag ever. It is freeing to just wipe your hands on whatever is available and not worry about ruining it.

Jack said...

How many years do you think he has worn those pants while painting?

Peter said...

I have a pair of workpants like that.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful colorful painting both in his pants and paper...