Monday, September 9, 2013

Getting Ready for the Parade

At the end of the Fiesta weekend there is a parade called the "The Desfile de la Fiesta or the Historical / Hysterical Parade. This is a shot of the beginnings of people lining up for the parade. Frankly I found it quite boring and not sometthing I see myself attending again. I think the politicians and Right to Life groups turned me off.


Cloudia said...

Right, nothing like Proseletyzing to ruin a nice day.....


Olivier said...

les meilleurs places sont deja prises ;))

Duncan D. Horne - the Kuantan blogger said...

Too many things are politicised nowadays...

Duncan In Kuantan

Sunnybrook Farm said...

We have a christmas parade that has a lot of commercial floats that seem like commercials as well as politicians. Some of it is pretty good though. It is a bit long to watch.

Tanya Breese said...

oh that's too bad...politicians have a way with turning people off ;)

Optimistic Existentialist said...

I'm surprised that they would be at such a parade? I do love the perspective of this shot though.

Peter said...

Love its name 'historical/histerical'. Looking warm too.


Hm, I think they would've turned me off too. But a nice anticipatory feel in this pre-parade photo.

Kate said...

Good reason to stay away next time!

TexWisGirl said...

no doubt, politics worms its way into any event it can.

Anonymous said...

I agree but sometimes they throw candy to us kiddies.

Sharon said...

Too bad the parade has been turned into a political action event.

Judy said...

I know just what you mean. I used to enjoy our parades until they became political and advertising for local retailers.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

I thought the 'hysterical' part of the title would have made it a bit more fun Randy!

parker said...

At least they saved the worst for last!

VP said...

Waiting is never funny, but I guess it probably does worth it...

EG CameraGirl said...

Well, some parades really are boring, I agree. ;)

cieldequimper said...

I hope you found a spot in the shade. Politicians at a parade? Really?

Judy said...

That reminds me of the parades I went to as a young girl.