Friday, September 30, 2011

End the week with a Song!

The is the Grannia Griffith Story. They were on shortly after the DJ played at the SF Reporter Music festival. I really enjoyed there music but most of all I really liked her skirt. Take a close look to see what it is made of.

By the way I am curious if anyone has tried the "Dynamic Views" on the Blogger template designer yet. I am anxious to hear your feedback. Oh and have a wonderful weekend!


Allison said...

I don't know what Dynamic Views are, but I see the skirt! It must be so swooshy and silky to wear.

Kathy said...

But what is that guy doing behind her?

An interesting costume. Necktie skirt, horizontally striped leggins, a cloche hat, and are those blue suede shoes?

VP said...


Kate said...

You're right; the skirt is very unusual. But, I'd hate to have been the seamstress that put it all together. I quickly scanned the "Dynamic Views" and don't understand anything about it. Will have to spend some more time on it to figure it out.

Halcyon said...

A necktie skirt! Every one is unique. I like it too. :)

Sharon said...

Looks like a skirt made of neckties! Haven't tried the new views yet. Have a great weekend.

Lúcia said...

Her outfit is really original!
Have a good weekend!

Judy said...

My eye catches things like that too...I've not seen a tie skirt before.

Regina K said...

Neckties have turned up in many creations lately. I have not looked at the Dynamic Views, but every since you changed you look, I have been wanting to change mine. I just need to find some time to play with blogger. Have a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

Very fine capture Randy!

Lowell said...

I see you're using one of the new templates. It looks good - very simple and clean. I've looked them over but I'm just not sure if I want to change right now.

This is a really cute singer...and I'm glad you mentioned the skirt 'cause I haven't been able to figure out what happened to all my ties when I retired!

Have a great weekend, Randy!

TexWisGirl said...

i saw the tie skirt right away. :)

Luis Gomez said...

Have a great weekend Randy.

Unknown said...

That blue is amazing!
No, I haven't tried the Dynamic Views yet, but I'm very curious too.

Magpie said...

You always make me smile, Randy. Thanks for the great send-off into the weekend with a song. Wonder what would happen if she went into one of those restaurants where if you're wearing a tie, they cut it off. :)

Anonymous said...

Dynamic Views? If I don't understand it, I don't mess with it. I am sure Dynamic Views is something I would not understand. I bet that skirt is heavy.

EG CameraGirl said...

Her skirt is a new one for me! I once had a vest that was partly made of neckties, though. :)

Sandy said...

Hi Randy! I really love her blue guitar! I'm with Kate I still don't understand the "Dynamic views" Looks interesting but scared- I got my pictures larger and I'm not sure about my template now. lol=) Have a good one!

Jack said...

So, that is where my old ties went!

Olga said...

I love her outfit! I think her skirt was made of neckties, no ?

PauloSilva said...

Original skirt!

Electric Addict said...

lol the skirt is made of ties!

Michaele said...

I would have loved to have seen them live. Very creative with the skirt.

Anonymous said...

I love the blue guitar!

Dawn said...

What a neat skirt! Wonder if I could get away with that?;)
Not only that...I want her GUITAR!!!

becky said...

Is her skirt made of ties? I like her blue guitar. Looking thru your pics- it looks like a great time at the art & music fest. Somehow I've got to quit working so many weekends... but at least I can live vicariously through for photos & see what's going on around town through you!

Anonymous said...

Nice catch! Her skirt is so cool. That is an nice idea.
Have a good week!

Olivier said...

Comme en France, tout finit par une chanson ;)

Reed said...

Randy I really like the mood of this photo; oh and the tie skirt. Very cool!