Today is the monthly theme day here in our Daily Photo community. The theme for the day is the color blue. Here in Santa Fe we always have beautiful blue skies but I wanted something else that says Santa Fe. I chose my neighbors home with their lovely blue gate. Please take a moment to check out the color blue all over the world by some creative photographers. Peace.
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Randy, you live in a great area of Santa Fe if this photo is an indication. It's a wonderfully typical picture of the best of the city. Love it!
I love that gate! It's like a shock of colour :)
I love Santa Fe and Taos. Luky you...and a great choice for today's theme.
Nice choice. Now I'm wondering what could it be behind the blue gate. ;)
Cool blue gate! I think I see more brown and red gates than any other color, and especially not too many blue ones. Nice find.
that sure sticks out!
elle est superbe cette petite porte bleue, un tres bon choix
It is superb this small blue door, a very good choice
I love your photo. It makes me want to pay your city a visit.
Norwich Daily Photo
This is a lovely shot. Everything beautiful including the blue gate.
this is one of the most beautiful photo here today
I love the gate as well....very nice...
I like it when adobes have a spot of colo, nice shot.
I think I actually KNOW that house! Then again, Santa Fe has so many colorful doorfronts . . . it's one of the countless things I love about the town.
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