Tuesday, November 13, 2007


While walking down the road I noticed these balancing rocks close to this adobe wall. Wouldn't it be nice if work and life balance could be as easy as making rocks balance.


Olivier said...

originale cette vielle fenêtre en bois. j'aime beaucoup, cela fait penser au vieille prison que l'on voyait dans les western

The original old wooden window. I like very much, it makes me think of old prison that we saw in the western

JD said...

Balance - one of those core issues in my life! Great photo. As are all of your photos. Looks like you're loving New Mexico! Miss you here though. Janice

JD said...

Balance - one of those core issues in my life! Great photo. As are all of your photos. Looks like you're loving New Mexico! Miss you here though. Janice