Saturday, June 27, 2015

Hey You, Yeah You, Up Here!

While walking to the railyard one day I spotted this little guy up on roof. Not sure how he got there but he seemed to be enjoying the view.


PerthDailyPhoto said...

Well that's not something you see everyday Randy :)

Rick Forrestal said...

Looks like a wild animal, ready to pounce.

Mersad said...

I also wonder how he got up there. :)

Mersad Donko Photography

VP said...

Funny! I hope he is not in trouble coming down...

cieldequimper said...

Lol! Taking it all in!

Birdman said...

Another hilarious shot. You are on a 'funny run'. Well, at least for me.

TexWisGirl said...

oh, my gosh! too cute!

Kathy said...

I'm sure we're all wondering: How did he get down? It's always fun to spot this kind of photo op!

Lowell said...

That's a riot! I wonder if it was some sort of gag.

Judy said...

Now that's something you don't see every day!

Anonymous said...

Thinks he's a cat.

Sharon said...

How funny! This brought back some long past memories too. When I was a youngster still living in Illinois, we had a St. Bernard who used to get on the roof of the garage all the time. My dad finally had to block the way the dog was using. A St. Bernard looming over you from the roof although funny to us, was scary to many other people.

Unknown said...

Not the usual dog's eye view! :-)

RedPat said...

Master of his domain, Randy! Cute shot.

William Kendall said...

A second floor window, maybe?

黄清华 Wong Ching Wah said...

Yup, agree with John. A dog with a cats mind.

Lynette said...

That's not something you see every day, Randy! Thanks for sharing it and thanks for your continued support of my blog and while I'm on my journey through cancer therapy. I appreciate every word and kind thought.

Kate said...

In some homes in México people keep "roof dogs" as permanent fixtures for security reasons. I never like the practice, but this little pooch in your photo looks like it's up there strictly for pleasure!!

Jack said...
