Tuesday, August 20, 2013

A Thing Of Beauty

There were many wonderful pieces of jewelry at the Indian Market this year both for sale and on some of the shoppers. This was one that caught my eye because of the color of the Turquoise stones. This is the work of Tonya June Rafael. To see more of her beautiful artwork click here and go to the Galleries page.


Cezar and Léia said...

The turquoise stones are adorable, I like a lot this lace, it's a gorgeous artwork!
Great picture!

Thérèse said...

Work of art!

Peter said...

LOve turquoise, is it from around Sata Fe?

Tamera said...

It's gorgeous. I've always wanted a squash blossom necklace. It takes a lot of panache to wear one!

Kate said...

Randy, that necklace is nothing short of magnificent. I have a SF friend who has an "artist's collection" of turquoise jewelry, and all of them look good on her. I console myself by saying that I am too small in stature for such large pieces. Who am I kidding!

Sunnybrook Farm said...

I see turquoise jewelry here in the east but nothing like that, the stones look a different color from what I usually see.

Lowell said...

I've always loved the turquoise - ever since we moved to Arizona in 1960. I still have a turquoise tie thingy (bolero?)...

You could have bought this for a female friend, right?

Optimistic Existentialist said...

I do like that color. Reminds me of the water of the Bahamas :)

Duncan D. Horne - the Kuantan blogger said...

Very beautiful colour

parker said...

Very stylish and the color of the stones catch one's eye. Talented artist!

Tanya Breese said...

my grandma loved turquoise and had so many pieces of turquoise jewelry so this reminds me of her :)

TexWisGirl said...

holy smokes!

Sandy said...

This is gorgeous! My dad is coming to visit and he wants to by a Navajo rug. Good thing I live in the 4 Corners. I hope he finds one he likes! Happy Day to you Randy. =)

Anonymous said...

A bit much to wear.

Sharon said...

This is gorgeous. I really do enjoy looking at these amazing pieces. Sometimes I go to the Heard Museum just for lunch and to browse in the shop and look at all the wonderful things. I do own quite a bit of turquoise jewelry but nothing quite as grand as in this photo.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

I've just been drooling over her jewellery link Randy, the red coral with the torquoise, is stunning.

Judy said...

A work of art for sure! I don't wear much jewelry but I do admire it.

cieldequimper said...

Gorgeous Diné stuff on the website and this one is simply to die for.

Do I spy a copy of 'Native Peoples' in the background? :-)

RedPat said...

Wow - you would have to have a certain personality to wear this but I would gladly display it!

VP said...

Stunning piece, craftsmanship is much better than art in this cases!


Insanely gorgeous, what design! I'd be afraid to damage it, it's art:)

Jack said...

Beautiful. My sister wears turquoise Indian jewelry just about every day.

Halcyon said...

Very pretty!

Michelle said...


Laura. M said...

Es precioso...Me gustaria usarlo alguna vez:)))
Lo siento hoy tengo problemas con el traductor:((

Unknown said...

What a gorgeous necklace! I haven't seen any similar to this one.

Traveling Hawk said...

The stones are great and the craftsmanship also.