Tuesday, April 12, 2011


This weekend was a little cold and cloudy. These fluffy clouds spent most of the day hanging around town. I caught this one while going to the New Mexico Museum of Art. They have an exhibit that I wanted to see called Cloudscapes. I was dying to see some of the Ansel Adams and Eliot Porter photographs. The exhibit did not disappoint.


Traveling Hawk said...

Great adobe photo, Randy :)

Olivier said...

les nuages ressortent bien avec la couleur de la maison

Kathy said...

Superb. This pictures just yells out Santa Fe!

Carola said...

Beautiful clouds over this fantastic historical walls.
That must have been a great weekend with visiting that photograpy exhibition. I like the art of both of them.

黄清华 Wong Ching Wah said...

A good framing the sense of the architecture of this museum and a beautiful day !

VP said...

An excellent ide! It's cloudy today here...

Allison said...

The blue sky, the fluffy clouds, the patterned rhythm of beams in adobe - I love this photograph.

Cezar and Léia said...

Glad that you have the opportunity to see the exhibition and I love the angle in this picture!

Regina K said...

Sounds like a wonderful way to spend a weekend.

Kate said...

I cannot imagine either photographer disappointing a viewer. You must have been enthralled by the photos. Wish I could have seen them, too. I enjoy the angle of your photo.

Lowell said...

I'd walk a mile for an Ansel Adams! What a photog he was. I always think of him when people tell me proudly that they don't "touch up" their photos but present them right out of the camera. Adams spent hours manipulating his photos in every possible way to make them look just right!

Luis Gomez said...

Great Randy!

Sharon said...

I would love to see that exhibit! I love your clouds.

Lúcia said...

Don't worry, weather will be warm very soon. :)
Last month I went to an exhibition in Argentina and saw some great photos of Ansel Adams, Robert Doisneau, Cartier-Bresson, Sebastião Salgado. I wish I had half of their talent.

TexWisGirl said...

do you think they tethered those clouds over the museum as a way to advertise the exhibit? brilliant marketing! :)

Anonymous said...

In my brief pass through Sante Fe last month I saw that this style and color predominately was it for the architecture in businesses, apartments, condos and homes alike. Is there a building code that one must abide by? Like if you wanted to build a purple Victorian, your best bet would be to move to some other town?

becky said...

Thanks for the tip on the exhibit- I have not been for a while. Great photo- look like inside the courtyard... a great place to escape the wind!

Butter-Brot-Mensch said...

nice picture! you like the sky, don't you? ;) (well I do :D )

dieter michalek said...

wonderful picture.

Marty said...

beautiful shot Randy ! blue sky and white clouds are so nice ! I love too the colour of the houses in your country !

Carla said...

Love this architecture and blue sky combo. So beautiful. Carla

Maria said...

excellent shot!


Judy said...

This is the most beautiful roof line! You are lucky it was just cold and not snowing like crazy as it did here.

Ms. Becky said...

Hi there, I followed you from Sinbad and I On The Loose. when I saw that you live in Santa Fe, well, I just had to say hello. It's my favorite city in the whole world and your scenes put me there when I'm far away. thanks for the fix. it was lovely.

Anonymous said...

Very nice Randy!
Hope your tuesday will fly by :)

Photohunter said...

... beautiful shot!!!

cieldequimper said...

Both favourite photographers for me, I'm glad you weren't disappointed.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful. You should be part of the exhibit.

La sonrisa de Hiperion said...

Que casa más chula... que chulada...


Jeroen said...

Great! the clouds are so nice. Imagine the pic without clouds, it would not be half as nice

RedPat said...

That is a fabulous shot of adobe detailing! Love it.

Halcyon said...

Beautiful sky!!

Unknown said...

I just LOVE these details! They somehow remind me of some adobe buildings in Mali which I think are gorgeous.

Michelle said...

A great contrast of the blue and brown shades.

zingo de mopsje said...

Wonderful picture!