Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Our Street

This is the street that we live on. This was after the last snow. By later on today this will look completely different. We are getting big winter snow tonight.
Click on the photo for a better look of our street. I love living here!


valeria said...

Ooohhhh!!! I wouldn't have thought you didn't have snow in Santa Fe...! It must be just so beautiful!

Sunday said...

I don't do cold very well, but that's so beautiful that I long to be there anyway. Thanks for the glimpse of my favorite city, since I can't be there right now.

dmarie said...

soooo pretty. reminds me of home...but we'd have had about a foot more snow. i like your street better!

Kris McCracken said...

I beg your forgiveness for my cutting and pasting – yet constantly reworking – this comment, but there was no way on Earth I would be able to make it around the whole globe to wish everybody a Merry Christmas otherwise.

The magical elves that constitute my staff have demonstrated their lack of respect in either not showing up for work at all, and those that have all seem a little worse for wear, if you catch my drift. All they seem to do is sit around smoking cigarettes that, quite frankly, smell funny. And they play cards and tell dirty jokes rather than do their jobs! Consequently, the reindeer are all filthy and out of shape. And you know, the two rabbits, one wallaby and three wombats I’ve drafted in just don’t cut it as replacements.

Anyway, from myself, Henry and Ezra, have a Merry Christmas/Winter Solstice/Hanukkah/Festivus and a happy New Year!

I hope that all of your holiday photos turn out to be triumphs, your stocking is stuffed full of lots of tasty treats and not coal and that all your pumpkin pies are all as sweet just the way that you like them.

Sharon said...

What a beautiful street! Looks like a great place to live.